


「僕はドリス・デイを愛していた」「いつだって、ドリスのことは完璧なシンガーだと心に刻んできた──くすぶる想いがあったとしても、温かく、いつも笑っていた。あの声!!! 優しくソフトで包み込みながらも、クライマックスになだれ込む用意ができている。彼女はそのビッグな瞬間に心を注ぎ込んでいた。彼女は僕の世代のシンガーではない。僕の親の世代だ。だから70年代、好きなシンガーを問われるようになって、彼女の名を挙げると驚く人たちが多かった。“ドリス・デイ?! 彼女はロック・シンガーじゃないよ!”って。そう、もちろん違う。でも、“Secret Love”を聴いてごらん。僕の一番のお気に入りだ。あの美しいトーンを聴き、あのパフォーマンスの中にある情熱を感じて欲しい。あの時代、ProToolsなんてなかったってこと、忘れないで。当時はシングル・テイクだったんだ。彼女の正確さはセンセーショナルだ。彼女は史上最も完璧な音感を持つシンガーの1人に違いない。でも、それだけじゃない。彼女はメロディを乱すことも、才能ひけらかすために飾り立てるこもない。彼女は物語を伝える──心を込め歌い、ちょっとしたカーブやヴァリエーションで彼女の想いを表現している」


Ako Suzuki
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I had a lot to think about today. But this wonderful lady was in my mind all day, even when my thoughts were turbulent. I loved DORIS DAY. Never met her - so often dreamed about it - especially when I discovered her work in her animal sanctuary. But never did. Sadly ? Yes, but in a way I’m glad I never bothered her. But I always held Doris in my heart as the perfect singer - all warmth, always smiling, yet smouldering beneath. That voice !!! Tender and soft and inviting, yet ready burst into joyous overdrive as she poured her heart into the big moments. She wasn’t my generation, of course. She was of my parents’ generation, and a lot of people raised their eyebrows when I named her as my favourite singer when we were first asked this kind of question around 1970. “Doris Day?! She’s not a rock singer !” No - of course not. But listen to “ Secret Love” - my all time favourite. Listen to the beauty of those tones, and feel the passion in that performance. And remember that in those days there was no ProTools. This would be a single take. Her accuracy is sensational – she must be one of the most perfectly-in-tune singers in history. But that’s only the beginning. She doesn’t mess with the melody, or decorate it to show off. She tells the story - sings it from the heart, and all kinds of tiny curves and variations portray the emotion she feels. This isn’t the first time I’ve eulogised about Doris, but this, of course, is a special time. So many people who loved her will miss her. But, for me, seeing her peacefully depart the world at the age of 97, having followed her heart all the way, I just rejoice in her beauty and splendour, and thank her. And send her love on her next journey. RIP Doris Day. Bri

Brian Harold Mayさん(@brianmayforreal)がシェアした投稿 -

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I had a lot to think about today. But this wonderful lady was in my mind all day, even when my thoughts were turbulent. I loved DORIS DAY. Never met her - so often dreamed about it - especially when I discovered her work in her animal sanctuary. But never did. Sadly ? Yes, but in a way I’m glad I never bothered her. But I always held Doris in my heart as the perfect singer - all warmth, always smiling, yet smouldering beneath. That voice !!! Tender and soft and inviting, yet ready burst into joyous overdrive as she poured her heart into the big moments. She wasn’t my generation, of course. She was of my parents’ generation, and a lot of people raised their eyebrows when I named her as my favourite singer when we were first asked this kind of question around 1970. “Doris Day?! She’s not a rock singer !” No - of course not. But listen to “ Secret Love” - my all time favourite. Listen to the beauty of those tones, and feel the passion in that performance. And remember that in those days there was no ProTools. This would be a single take. Her accuracy is sensational – she must be one of the most perfectly-in-tune singers in history. But that’s only the beginning. She doesn’t mess with the melody, or decorate it to show off. She tells the story - sings it from the heart, and all kinds of tiny curves and variations portray the emotion she feels. This isn’t the first time I’ve eulogised about Doris, but this, of course, is a special time. So many people who loved her will miss her. But, for me, seeing her peacefully depart the world at the age of 97, having followed her heart all the way, I just rejoice in her beauty and splendour, and thank her. And send her love on her next journey. RIP Doris Day. Bri

Brian Harold Mayさん(@brianmayforreal)がシェアした投稿 -



